All of our pvc bags are tough and reliable, Fenton PVC gear bags are perfect choice for storing and carrying hunting equipment, clothes tools, ropes camping /fishing gear, first aid etc. Best of all, you can keep all your gear together in one bag, safe and protected from the elements.
These pouches are small first aid kits and toiletry bags.
- Twin carry handles that wrap around the entire base of the bag for extra strength - Large water resistant zipper with two metal zip slides for locking together on the med, large and XL bags.
- 50mm seatbelt dust cover.
Ripstop PVC Australian Made 650gsm industrial grade PVC containing a reinforced ripstop grid construction that prevents further tearing of a cut or tear. Our pvc is also waterproof, flame retardant, and lacquer coated for abrasion, mildew, and UV resistance. PVC is the best solution for durability, dependability, and easy maintenance
Fenton use 50mm seatbelt webbing For the carry handles, shoulder straps and dust covers.
Fenton only use heavy duty water resistent #10 Spiral Zip from a respectable manufacturer whom we trust.
All of our products feature an industrial grade polyester thread, carefully selected to endure the harshest workplace conditions. Special features include an exceptional resistance to petroleum-based substances, bleach, UV sunlight and rot.